Monday, September 21, 2009

Observation I

During class I observe the story and it seems like the kid did not really care what his mother is talking about. His mother seems like she was nagging over little things like eating fish. She gave him all sort of information on how healthy it was to eat fish. She told him how healthy people and country eat fish. Then she talked about how he should worry about how high his mercury is. Throughout the whole conversation the boy was talking very dull and boring seemed to not really care about the information his mother was telling him. He seemed to have this exact conversation with his mother many times before.

While I was at home I observe the story again and my observation of the story seemed to be the same as it was in class but just a little different in the way I see how the show is mocking how teens now days have conversation with their parents about the same topic over and over again. Their parents seem to not really care or remember what their children want and dislike. This is just like the mother in the story. She seemed to have this conversation with her son over and over and yet she did not remember that he does not like fish.

Both of my observation was not that much different other than I went more in depth. I understand a little bit more on the meaning of the story and the way the two characters talked and acted. Other than that there were not many differences between the two observations. Both of the observation just told me that the two characters had this conversation before. The boy did not give his full attention to his mother words. The mother did not remember what her son like and dislike not matter how many times he told her. The mother just kept on nagging over and over on the topic of how he should eat fish.

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