Monday, November 30, 2009

Discerning Pancreatic Cancer from Pancreatitis

Scientists and doctors are working very hard to find ways to get rid of cancer for good, but with mistaken cancer's sign by another sign of damage tissues can really cause patient to be in danger then they really are in. This is support that if we are not careful more people can get hurt. Even though it is dangerous but without taking risk we will get nowhere near the cure. Lots of our accomplishments are from taken risks, like from making airplanes to finding cures. This go with the saying "nothing venture nothing gain." A little lump and be mistaken as a tumor but in reality it is something else. If the doctors and scientists did not take the risks of messing with the lump they will not know what that lump really is pancreatitis. They are a far way from identifying it more accurate but this is one step forward to the success of identifying it more accurate.

Total words: 160

1 comment:

  1. You will be scared to know the statistics of misdiagnosis around the world. I think that we still have a lot to learn about how the human body works and how it fights off diseases.
