Monday, November 9, 2009

Lost in a Maze

Have you ever been through a maze where you have no idea which way to go? At first you thought you knew but then you notice that most of the paths you took turn out to be dead ends. That is how my life seems to turn out to be like. Each time I thought I know what I am doing it turns out that I have no clue. I try to make things better but it turns out that it only makes things worse for me. I try my best to find a way to get out of this whole mess but it only show that the more I try the deeper I seem to be getting into the whole thing. This whole maze is giving me a headache. Instead of finding the path that will promise me a way out, I found more and more dead ends. I try using the help everyone advise me. At first the paths seems to be a promising path but once I tried it out I found that it is just another dead end. Those path works for others but it will not work for me. Maybe because I am Vietnamese that is why the paths will not work for me. Could it be because I have not reach the age or that I have pass the age to take those paths? Whatever the reasons may be I am stuck in this very maze for the rest of my life. I will never get a chance to see freedom that everyone has experience of having.

Total words: 263

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